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Writer's pictureKristin Kowalski Ferragut

Open Notes

I’m starting a new series for Spoken Word — poetry, flash fiction, prose excerpts —  and Music — originals or reimagined covers. I’m excited to share my vision and, come September 25th, share the mic! Open Notes — an open mic series for reading, reciting, slamming, playing, singing, & performing, including one featured artist.

I’ve wanted this series for years and have brainstormed founding it with musician and writer friends in encouraging dialogues that highlighted the value in blending creative forms and offering a forum for a variety of voices to express themselves and try out material. But running a series can take a good bit of effort and time and there was the pandemic, then busy years. I now have time, energy, and all has aligned for us to meet in a delightful, welcoming space.


Empress Coffee and Cocktails has emerged from what was last Brew House Coffee, once Clear Skies Meadery, on Main Street in the Kentlands, with a gracious owner and tempting menu. It’s a beautiful, open, welcoming space — great for us to gather in & share lyricism & verse. I had the opportunity to check out Empty Ecstasy’s performance there last weekend and the sound and atmosphere were peak.  

My remarkable artist, singer-songwriter, poet, guitarist friend, Patty (Patricia Raine) has been kind, as my most recent sounding board and collaborator. Indeed, she designed our crisp and well-toned logo. I’m grateful for her participation in this startup.

In 2019, my writer friend, Roger Bradbury, invited me to Roots Studio in Columbia, MD for their series featuring… yes — Spoken Word and Music. I thought their model of multimodal performance in a series would suit Montgomery County well. I loved it and returned a few times with my kid, other friends, alone. A bit of a trek for me, but well worth it. Many things made Roots Studio Open Mic Series remarkable — artsy, cool space with atmospheric lighting; diverse welcoming audience, and incredible talent. Indeed, it was Roots Studio that inspired me to get a new guitar and take to learning. The place had strong vitality with a range of styles of voices in poetry, prose, and song from a diverse, intergenerational group. It seemed a significant loss when Roots Studio closed. I’m not sure that we can capture the same vibe as Roots Studio had, but I’m sure we can create something of equal, unique charm and power.

I love hosting DiVerse Gaithersburg Poetry Reading Series and will continue to do so. I’ve been at it for almost 3 years — have experienced gorgeous poems & poets and made new beautiful friends. Witnessing the talent in the people who work at Casey Community Center alone has been a treasure; add to that all the other top notch poets who have shared their work at DiVerse — phenomenal. Most months, we have a new poet who reads for the very first time at our mic. It’s an inspiring, uplifting place —  that room on the 1st Thursday. 

I will always be grateful to Lucinda Marshall ( ) for starting DiVerse and entrusting its care to me. She saw a need in the community and filled it. Poetry deserves space to be celebrated as a pure and distinct essential form of art, expression, and communication. Over the past few months, DiVerse has been graced by some amazing musicians reading poetry in the Open Mic. I value the blending of creative communities and love the poems these musicians have brought to the mic. Sometimes a poet will sneak some prose into DiVerse. Sometimes a songwriter will sing. These expressions feel natural enough beside poetry. Open Notes will provide a space for these expressions to blend.


We’ll meet the 4th Wednesday of each month at Empress Coffee and Cocktails, adjusting when necessary, from 6:30-9:30. I find that many creative people are capable of accomplished work in multiple forms. Feel free to take this opportunity to do what frightens you and stretch your art to places you only dreamed, as well as sharing what you’re comfortable and best at. Let’s meet on the 25th!

You can follow this page on the website to find updates, information about featured performers, and pictures: 

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